Custom Marine Carpentry
(954) 483-5290

Teak Decking Sanding and Repairs Florida

From time-to-time Teak Decks need to be sanded, leaky caulk lines re-caulked, and the perimeter properly resealed. There is nothing worse than having an unsealed deck, it compromises everything underneath! 

Whether it is a stateroom or a galley, seeping water can cause unpredictable damage.

That is why we don’t just sand your decks and move on, using a more comprehensive process, we remove all the caulking along the perimeters to ensure that if they were previously leaking, they won’t anymore.

Having the equipment to properly carry out such a task is something you can count on us for! 

Sanding a Teak Deck is much more than letting a “technician” do away with the gray on your deck, your Teak flooring must be properly sanded to avoid low spots that are going to hold water! And that does not mean sand the deck and let the burned through plugs be a lost cause,

 At Custom Marine Carpentry in South Florida, we replace all the burned through plugs and re-seam your teak decking flooring accordingly.

Is Dust a problem? Don’t Worry!

We use vacuum sanders that capture most of the dust that is created to keep your boat or Yacht in a clean state.

Call us and let us assess your decks, Teak Decks in Fort Lauderdale being one of our specialties there is no repair too big!

Teak Deck Sanding and Repairs GALLERY